Each year, The Appletree School offers a range of Hallmark experiences for students.
Some are school-wide traditions and others vary by student age and grade level.
The Appletree School believes in and honors many of the Christian traditions recognized by its founders, Peter and Wilhelmina Klaassen. Our founders also believed in being hospitable to and welcoming to all faith traditions. Learn more about treasured traditions here or during a campus visit with our admissions office.
Among the treasured traditions practiced include:
- Weekly Flag Ceremony and school meeting with announcements and celebration of birthdays of the week
- Johnny Appleseed Week with apple tastings, applesauce making, and other apple related educational activities as well as an apple picking field trip for Academy students
- Halloween Party and Parade
- Diwali presentations inspired by our Indian community
- Service Day featuring local police and fire safety professionals
- Food For Others community service project to support food pantries and Food for Others by first through third grade
- Thanksgiving Feast to celebrate a shared traditional turkey luncheon and express thankfulness school-wide
- Christmas Party/Open House for students and their family members planned by classrooms with a visit by Santa Claus, shared wish lists and photos for children
- PTO facilitated school bookfair
- Nativity Pageant presented by Academy-aged children for our preschool-aged children
- 100th Day of School for K4 through Academy students
- Lunar New Year Celebration including lessons inspired by our Asian community
- Valentine’s Day
- Health Fair for Academy students
- Read Across America Week
- Kindness Week
- Patrick’s Day and leprechaun trap design and build experiments
- Easter party and egg hunt for all
- Presentation of The Easter Story about Jesus and his resurrection story during Lent for preschool and Academy students
- Poetry Week for first through third grade
- Jude’s Trike-A-Thon for preschool and Academy students
- Pajama Day and Ice Cream Party for all
- Field Day for All
- Fourth of July Picnic for All
- Annual Appletree Show of Song and Dance
The Appletree School welcomes a diverse community of students and their families from around the world and invites parents of all faiths and ethnic backgrounds to share their family traditions and cultural customs with the children of Appletree. Also, our PTO has organized International and USA Day events where families can share their important share traditions with our school community. Such opportunities for sharing traditions are not limited to these events. We welcome you to reach out to your child’s teacher for additional opportunities.